Members who do not have a smartphone, or wish to have the members app on their PC or laptop please click on the link below:
CLUBV1 - PC & Laptop
Members can dowload the app on to their smartphone via the usual app stores but should you need the links for apple and android these are below:
Club V1 - Apple AppClub V1 - Android App
The club has achieved England Golf's 'Respect in Golf' standards for Safe Golf and EDI
An attractive parkland course situated in the South East London, close to Blackheath, with superb views.
Societies and visitors are most welcome and our rates are very competitive.
We welcome membership applications.
Please refer to the membership tab for the current subscription rates.
Course Status: Course Information
For the latest course status [open / closed] please follow the link to the members' ClubV1 app
or, call the Golf Club number 020 8854 6368 from 8am selecting Option 4 [Pro Shop]
Last updated: Tuesday 21st January, 17:20