
Course Work For March 2019.
by shootershillgcgreens

Now the March competitions have finished this has given us the opportunity to verti-drain the greens starting on Monday 18th March and will complete on Wednesday 20th March. This is the 3rd time this winter and there will be another verti-draining greens on the next renovation week in April.


Course report for March 2019
We are finally at the end of the winter and the nights are becoming slightly warmer but as they say the winter may not be quite over just yet but we will have to see. We have completed the 11th tee and just the irrigation is left to connect to the mains ring around the course and some detailing around the fencing and anti slip step plates to install then finishing up the left hand side with some smoothing with the digger and overseeding will complete the work. We will also plan to install a bug hotel and Hedgehog house in this area.
Planned work below for March 2019;
• Our greenkeepers are currently aerating the fairways for the 2nd time this winter by verti-draining down to 10” deep then we will finish the rough. This will relieve compaction, improve percolation and penetration from rain and irrigation and help keep grass vigour and coverage through the summer.
• We have ordered fertiliser for the bare areas of the rough and this will improve definition between the rough, semi and fairways.
• The roped off wear and tear areas between greens and tees will be topdressed and overseeded later this month to improve these areas for next winter play along with a verti-drain.
• There are a number of paths to renovate and finish with cockswall 20mm grit and we plan to extend the path from the yellow/red tee on the 13th and install path between the 7th and 11th tee as its difficult to get through in the wet.
• Greens to verti-drain during week of 18th March then tees to follow.
• Over seed and clear debris from tree work.
• Finish planting new trees.
• Tree work to complete on the RHS of the 10th hole and behind the green.
• Weedkill and seed wild flower area around the 12th, 13th/17th and 18th tees.
• Install drainage at the start of the 3rd fairway and 2nd RHS fairways.
• Car park tidy and extending.

Work above is all weather dependant and may continue into April.


Leylandii By The 3rd Green.

by Office

on Tue February 5, 2019

Reciently the Leylandii by the 3rd green perished and now have been cleared. We plan to take out all Leylandii on the course over the next few years as they are now coming to the end of their life cycle and create huged shadows on the playing surfaces resulting poor surfaces that are thin and wet. We plan to remove the rest on the 3rd this week and the stumps removed. We are currently ordering trees that are native and more suitable to golf courses and will be planted very soon by the 3rd and other parts of the course between fairways.



Tree Work

by Office

on Mon February 4, 2019